The Border Between Sweden and Norway Isn't Exactly Heavily Guarded
Europe being as it is, it really should not come as that much of a surprise that the border between Sweden and Norway is less of a border and more of a symbolic line that you can take neat photos of and upload to Instagram. Seriously, just look at this border: it isn't stopping anyone trying to cross. It's doing the exact opposite - it's inviting people to cross it.
But that's just the way Europe is, due to the European Union and global politics and whatnot. That's just what makes Europe so incredibly cool - you can pretty much go anywhere.
The Fence Separating England and Scotland Is So Tiny
So we're not quite sure who or what this fence is supposed to keep out and how it plans on doing so, but we are pretty certain it isn't going to be keeping out anyone any time soon. This tiny fence is so small that a bunny could probably hop over it with ease. In fact, the quick brown fox that jumped over the lazy dog could jump over it.
But that's pretty much what's to be expected of the border between Scottland and England. They are, after all, both part of the United Kingdom. Whatever that truly means these days.
One of the Only Borders Visible From Space: Israel and Egypt
This photograph, taken From the International Space Station by none other than a space satellite, depicts an aerial view of the border between the countries of Israel and Egypt, which is coincidentally also the border between Africa and the Middle East. On the left, you can see the great desert lands of Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, and on the right are the manifold urban areas of Israel. It's crazy that you can see the border from space.
As in, the difference between the actual geography of the lands is so intense that it is literally visible from space. Guess that's just what happens when you build a lot of cities.
The Fence Between the US and Mexico Stretches Way Out Into Arizona
The border fence between the U.S. and Mexico is pretty long. It also isn't very consistent, seeing as it stops and starts at times, leaving blank spaces of nothing but desert terrain. It is truly difficult to build such a sprawling and long man-made object. Besides, we never even knew that the border fence went out all the way into Arizona. That's actually pretty wild when you think about it.
Truth be told, and this may just be us slacking in the geography department, but we weren't too sure that Arizona even had a border with Mexico. Shows how much we know.
What Separates Northern Ireland From the Republic of Ireland Is a Subtle Change in Road Pavement
We've seen this kind of thing before. Yeah, this is the equivalent of having your neighbor not paint your side of the fence, or not go an inch over his side of the lawn while trimming it. Except, instead of a border between houses and a pact between people, the stakeholders here are national entities. Who knew that countries could be so petty? Would it kill them to just fix the other side of the road, too?
Still, it must be funny to be on the winning side of this exchange and laugh at the state of your fellow neighbor's pavement. Haha, your pavement sucks! Or something like that.
The Border Between Iran and Iraq Photographed From Space
This photograph taken from the International Space Station (which means, it was taken not by a human but by a satellite) reveals what's left of the Iraqi fortifications from the Iran-Iraq war. You can spot the demarcations and the outlines of all the different structures and formations that were made back then, with Iran being on the bottom and Iraq on the top. In our book, it truly is a sight to behold.
This probably should not come as a surprise to anyone, but things do seem to be more interesting when you change you view them as an astronaut would - from outer space.
The Vegetation Says It All - Haiti (Left), Dominican Republic (Right)
Satellite pictures of things are cool. They're really, realy cool. Don't believe us? Well, we are fairly sure that this satellite photograph taken from outer space of the regions between Haiti (which is on the left) and the Dominican Republic (which is on the right) may just change your mind. It's just so weird seeing such huge zones depicted on such a tiny scale. It's almost freaky, if we're being honest.
Also, the disparity between the zones is kind of breathtaking. We're sure this is something that people may have known about these areas, but to see it like this is incredible.
The Waters Between Alaska (U. S. ) and Siberia (Russia)
When you look at things from outer space, they're bound to seem a bit smaller than they actually are. It's no wonder then that we feel as though Alaska is actually a lot closer to mainland Europe (more specifically, Siberia, Russia) than we would have previously thought. This is just something to reflect on throughout your next road trip across the entire state of Alaska. You know, some food for thought.
The actual boundary between the US and Russia lies between the Diomede Islands, which are smack-dab in the middle of the photograph. Not sure what one's supposed to do with this information, but there you go.
The Incredible Waterfall Seperating Brazil and Argentina
Well, technically, the incredible waterfall is actually at the borderline of Brazil and Argentina's Misiones province, which is located at one of Brazil's most Southern points and one of Argentina's most Northern points. It's a stunning place that has become a hotbed of tourist activity over the years, with countless people traveling far and wide just to get a look at the waterfall, which is pretty understandable if you ask us.
Truly such views are few and far between. This is like something you'd see in a Marvel movie; something that couldn't truly exist without the help of modern CGI technology.
The Niagara Falls Seperating the U. S. And Canada
So we're definitely not about to turn this into geography class, but we do have a few cool facts regarding the American and Canadian border that we feel are worth sharing. This image is a depiction of the Niagara Falls fromThe t above. A bird's eye view, if you will. The thing is, is that the U.S. and Canada have one of the longest international borders in the world, spanning approximately 5,500 miles.
That being said, it should come as no surprise that Niagara Falls form a part of that border. What's depicted in this photo is just that - the Niagara Falls separating the U.S. and Canada.
This Library Was Built Along the U. S. - Canada Border
It's not every day that you get to see a library built along the border of two rivaling countries (and we all know that the rivalry between the U.S. and Canada is insane). It's a strange occurrence, to say the least. What's even stranger is that the actual line of the border was drawn across the library floor, making it apparent where the U.S. stops and where Canada begins to anyone minding their footing.
We can only hope that the people of the two great nations of Canada and the U.S. manage to co-exist somehow in this sanctuary of knowledge and tranquility. We love libraries.
This Small Town Is Both Dutch and Belgian
Barle-Nassua is a strange town, to say the least. Due to some wacky border shenanigans which could only occur in Europe, part of the town resides in the Netherlands while the other part of the town is actually in Belgium. This is definitely one of those situations that are made possible only due to the lax border regulations and lack of border control between European countries. You could say it's somewhat of a geographical oddity.
It's just so strange to think that some Cafes operate in two countries at the same time. One table could be seated on the Dutch side, while the other would reside on the Belgian side. Weird.
The German-Dutch Border Is Marked By a Metal Line on the Floor
Another curious case of borderlines acting less like an actual border and more like a tourist attraction of some sort is this border between Germany and the Netherlands, two countries that apparently have quite a few border shenanigans up their sleeve. What's depicted in this photograph is a whole building built on both German and Dutch soil, with the borderline between the two countries marked by a metal line on the floor.
It must be a weird thing, to have people work inside a building located both in the Netherlands and in Germany at the same time. Now that's what we call multiculturalism.
The Bright Orange Border Between India and Pakistan
Borders are often artificial constructs made by man. Given that that's usually the case, that tends to mean that borders aren't often visible from space. Not this time, though. The border between India and Pakistan is something else. You can see the bright, orange, horizontal line marking where India starts and where Pakistan ends. This is due to teh many orange spotlights constructed by India on the borderline. Crazy stuff.
The reason that India went to the trouble of lighting up their borders was to spot smugglers and trespassers who tried their luck doing all kinds of mischievous things across the border.
Party on the India-Pakistan Border
Another curious tidbit regarding the border between India and Pakistan is that it is the site of a full-blown party! Okay, maybe not a party. The Wagah border ceremony has been a daily millitary practice that the security forces of India and Pakistan have followed since 1959. This may not be the case in the future, though, given that there have been many debates regarding the future of this ceremony. But what exactly does it entail?
Every night, just before the sun sets and night takes over, the flags at the Wagah border are taken down, and a parade of soldiers goes marching through both sides of the border.
The Fence Between Bulgaria and Turkey
Not many people know this, but there's a full-blown fence between Bulgaria and Turkey. Now, unless you live in either Bulgaria or Turkey, there's probably no reason for you to know this and the odds of you actually knowing something like this are slim to none. But those days of ignorance regarding the Turkish-Bulgarian border are over. Now you know exactly what's up - a fence, that's what is up.
What's curious about the fence is that it's about 15 feet tall, 5 feet wide, and composed of deadly barbed wire. Wouldn't want to try getting over that thing, that's for sure.
The Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge
Now that's quite the name for a bridge. Look, China and Korea aren't the only countries to have a bridge between them. That doesn't make them unique. What does make them unique is the hilariously adorable name that they gave the bridge connecting the two countries - the Sino (as in, Chinese) - Korean Friendship Bridge. If that doesn't make you swoon in awe of its cuteness, we don't know what will.
This is the type of name-giving prowess we wish upon all bridge builders. We're tired of regular, old bridges with their regular, old, uninspired names. We want more eccentric urban planning!
The Guadiana River Is Part of the Spain-Portugal Border
The cool thing about the Guadiana River is that it actually forms a part of the border between the two great countries of Spain and Portugal. This is actually really cool. We definitely think that letting nature dictate where your country ends is underrated and something that other countries should consider adopting. What's depicted in this photograph is a vacation home located right on the Spanish side of the river.
Just look at the view. You can't say that this structure located on the riverbank doesn't make for one of the most beautiful border photos of all time.
This Worn Out Bridge Connects Costa Rica and Panama
Look, we're going, to be honest. We're not sure we feel entirely comfortable crossing this bridge. If someone were to force us to cross this bridge, it's possible that we would try our luck and jump into the river below it instead. The crazy thing is, is that this single-lane bridge has hundreds of people, cars, trucks and other heavy stuff crossing it daily. How it's held up this far, we have no idea.
So we might as well send the great countries of Costa Rica and Panama a message: Would you kindly do us a favor and fix your bridge, or just make it seem more welcoming? Thanks!
Environmental Protection Laws Are Everything
Well, look what we have here - it's the immediate outcome of two countries' different policies regarding the state of their forests. On the left, you can see the German trees standing (admittedly, not so) tall, and on the right side, you have the Czech Republic's shaven trees looking a bit naked and lacking in leaves. It's funny just how easy crossing the border can be when you're in Europe.
We don't know what those Germans have been feeding those trees, but we can only say that they've come out looking healthy and green. Good on them. The world could always use more trees.
The Poland-Ukraine Border Is So Artistic
So if there was a college for borders, the border between Poland and Ukraine would definitely major in Liberal Arts or some kind of creative subject given just how artsy and well-designed it looks. Seriously, this border is looking pretty kept after. No surprise, given that this beautiful land art depicting two fishes was made for the annual Land Art Festival by the talented Polish artist Jaroslaw Koziara. Good on him.
The enormous fishes were created through the use of seeds - different kinds of plants were planted across the field between the Polish and Ukrainian borders. A creative use of plants for sure.
Locals Call This Border - "The Slash"
No, this isn't the border between the human world and the land of beavers. This is just the border between the United States and Canada. Given just how long the border is, it should come as no surprise that there are quite a few noteworthy sections across it. The Slash is surely one of them. Just look at the way the trees bridge the small river flowing through two countries.
It surely is an example of a beautiful natural border. It truly is no wonder that the locals love it. If only all the borders in the world were this pretty.
The USA - Mexico Border's Rush Hour Is Insane
We're not mincing words when we say that the border between the United States and Mexico is one of the most frequently traveled in the world. Every day, countless people cross the border both ways, making for some serious traffic issues at peak hours. What you're eyes are looking at in this photo is certainly one of those aforementioned traffic issues. It makes you reconsider whether your vacation in Mexico is worth it.
Well, considering how many people are set on doing it, we're guessing it's certainly worth it! But there's always the option of taking a plane or a cruise!
South America Has the Best Borders
This incredible triple threat border serves to separate the great countries of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. The beautiful landmark is known as The Triple Frontier, and it's where the Iguazu and the Parana rivers converge in order to make one heck of a natural beauty. Nature is truly incredible in the way that it binds and seperates us. No man-made borderline could ever come close to something as grand as this.
To be honest, just looking at this picture makes us want to dive into that river and have ourselves a nice and relaxing swim. Probably not a good idea. though.
The South Korea - North Korea Border Looks Like a Dream
You cannot look at this photograph and sincerely tell us that it does not look as though it were some kind of surreal dreamscape. It just doesn't look as though it truly belongs in reality. That being said, the South Korea - North Korea border situation is pretty weird. It truly is one of the most intense borders in the world, seeing as South and North Korea have been at war since the Korea War in 1950.
Between the two countries is a buffer zone, but there's still a large amount of military presence on both sides, with mines, watchtowers, and other artifacts of the Korean War still seeing use today.
This Weird Bridge on the Chinese Border Has A Strange Story
This is the border between China and Macau, a former Portuguese colony given to China in 1999. That's all good, but the thing is, is that the residents of Macau were used to driving on the left side of the road, while the residents of mainland China drove on the right. So, this bridge was made to accommodate that special situation, allowing drivers to switch lanes between Macau and the mainland.
So that's basically the deal with the weird bridge. It's funny to think that drivers from Macau have some kind of weird driving code-switching going on. That must get confusing.
Anyone Up For A Cross-Country Picnic?
So this has to be one of the strangest picnic tables to ever exist. "Why" you ask? Well, we'll tell you exactly why: this picnic table is situated on the border between not two but three different European countries - Slovakia, Austria, and Hungary. This means that people from all three countries can meet up and have lunch together without ever leaving their respective countries, which is definitely an interesting prospect.

That would definitely be great. They could all bring their countries' special foods and drinks and just have a blast together, exploring each others' respective cultures. Sounds amazing to us.
The Swedish - Norwegian Border Is A Winter Wonderland
Seriously, we'd give a kidney to get the chance to ski on this bad boy. Just look at how aesthetic it looks, with the slope going downwards and the trees signaling where each country begins. It's just a beauty to behold. If there's one thing that Scandinavia got right, it has got to be borders. Name one other border like this. Come on, try; give it your best shot - we'll wait.
This may just be us, but does this snowy scene remind anybody else of that one mission in Call of Duty where you have to crawl through the snow? No? Just us? Okay then.
Apparently People Are Just Ziplining Between Countries Now
So, get this: you can literally zip line between countries nowadays. That is, as long as those countries are Spain and Portugal. We didn't even know such a thing was possible, but we have to applaud the creative minds that helped make this dream a reality. We have to give credit where it's due, and it is certainly due in this case. Whoever came up with this thing is a hero to us.

What's the deal with ziplines anyway? What kind of mad man actually conceived them? Truth be told, we're surprised that the laws of physics actually allows for this kind of thing to happen.
Brazil and Bolivia Are Definitely Different
It's incredible to see a visual representation of the way two different countries go about treating their lands. On the left, you can see that Brazil used this land to make cities and urban areas, while Bolivia (on the right) decided to keep their forest as nature intended it to be. We're not saying that one country's policy is better; it's just fascinating to see how much of a difference such things can make.
The only question that remains is this: which country would you prefer to live in? We personally prefer urban environments, so we would probably stick to Brazil on the left side.
U. S. And Mexico - An Aerial Perspective
With the border between the U.S. and Mexico being as huge as it is (and it's pretty huge), it should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody that some parts of the border that are heavily populated in Mexico will stand opposed to a literal desert in the U.S. and vice versa. The two countries are just way too big to have a city occupying every square inch of them.
That being said, it is pretty crazy to see just how much of a difference there is between the two countries. Aerial pictures are pretty neat, aren't they? They sure are.
The Bridge Between Denmark and Sweden Is Like the Bridge to Heaven
Seriously this definitely looks too good to be true. Have you ever seen such a beautiful bridge? We definitely have not. It's so beautiful that we doubt that it even exists. Maybe all of Scandinavia was just a lie? What if Norway, Sweden, and Denmark Aren't even real? That makes sense. They just seem way too good to be true. Okay, they probably exist. But still, we wish we had such a bridge back home.
We're not sure when we started getting so emotional about bridges, but we definitely feel some type of way about this beauty right here. Maybe we are getting old or something.
This Roundabout Is in 3 Countries
Imagine going to the park and sitting with people from two other different countries, who (by the way) probably speak different languages, at the same roundabout, without ever leaving your country. Truth be told, that sounds amazing, and that's exactly what the citizens of Germany, The Netherlands, and Belgium can do in this location right here. If that is not enough to make you jealous of Europeans, we don't know what is.
We wish we could all sit around a nicely carved piece of stone with residents of neighboring countries next to us. It's things like this that make us jealous of Europe.
A Woman in Lithuania Talking to A Friend in Belarus
This is one crazy photograph if we have ever seen one. Imagine just being able to talk to your friend who lives in another country through the literal borderline (or border fence, in this case). We would have never thought that such a thing would be possible in this world of ours, but by the looks of this picture, not only is it possible, it also seems quite enjoyable, too.
One can only wonder what they were actually talking about if they both spoke the same language, and what the circumstances of this whole situation were. Guess we'll never know.
This Is Where the (Spanish) Road Ends
This is one of those borders that really makes you think about the whole concept of countries. It's crazy how the road just suddenly stops and transforms into something entirely different. Now, we don't like to choose sides, but we do have to admit that Spain's side of the road definitely seems to be more tended to. It just looks cleaner and more polished, if you know what we mean.
Portugal's side of the road, on the other hand, definitely could use a paint job or two. Guess that just goes to show you some of the differences between the two countries.