Sir, This Machine Is For Luggage
When you get up to the security area, it's important to follow all the steps as prescribed. Otherwise, you're going to be stuck there forever doing and redoing the process as the agents try to figure out if you're hiding something. Still, we've never got the process this wrong, and we can't understand how this guy even got into this position. How does one get stuck in an X-Ray machine for luggage without any personnel noticing?
You can't have any liquids larger than three ounces on the flight, so we have a feeling this guy's body set the scanners off.
This Airport Takes the "air" Part Very Seriously
Yes, this is a real photo. No, we don't know what the heck was going on here; we only know as much as anybody else. Usually, these kinds of stairs pull up after the plane has parked - and people get on them long after that. Even though aviation technology keeps improving, we're not at the point of parallel parking by the staircase yet. So why aren't these people waiting in the terminal? This seems like a total safety hazard,
We're just noticing this now, but none of those people have luggage. Maybe this is for a short, local flight? Either way, it feels like trouble waiting to happen.
How to Make Sure None of Your Friends' Suitcases Get Lost
It can be pretty tough to stay together when traveling with a group. Someone always winds up splitting up from the group to use the bathroom or get different food, and that's when the trouble begins. Luckily, the guy in the yellow jacket in this picture figured out a way to keep all his friends connected. He printed suitcases with his face all over them, and gave them out as presents to the group!
It would be pretty funny if this group started a tradition of getting different friends' faces printed on luggage for each trip.
Stretching After Long Flights Is Crucial
After a long flight, it's important to take a second to stretch yourself out. Maybe reach down and touch your toes, stand back up and push your arms towards the sky, and then sit down on the baggage claim ramp and try some of these complicated Olympic gymnastics! We're joking, of course. If you don't know what you're doing (or the carousel starts moving), someone could get hurt. But these two look pretty good doing it!
We love how interested the couple in the background is. They're watching intently and maybe even taking notes so they can try this out later.
Mr. "Didn't Stand Up When Plane Landed" Gets His Crown
We're not sure who first started spreading the rumor that you'll get off the plane sooner if you stand up as soon as it lands, but it simply isn't true. Everyone has to wait the same amount of time until they open the door. Everyone has to wait the same amount of time at baggage claim. Sometimes, we feel like we should get an award just for staying seated for a few minutes after landing.
And it looks like this flight crew read our minds. Look how pleased they are to crown this man and give him a trophy for being "adequate."
Sir, Please Crate Your Miniature Horse
The way we understood it, the rule on airplanes is that a pet that is not a service animal must remain in its crate for the entirety of the flight. Of course, that's going to be a little difficult when that animal is the size of a horse – or is actually a horse! We're not sure what the deal is with these people traveling with their mini horse, but you definitely don't see this every day.
We can only imagine what the boarding process was like. Every single person must have stopped and asked why there was a horse on board before going to their seats.
This Does Not Inspire Confidence
The windows on airplanes are specially engineered and contain all manner of unique technology to help keep the airplane cabin pressurized and temperature controlled. If a window were to break mid-flight, it could lead to catastrophe. Items would be sucked out of the plane, and the noise would be way too loud. That's why if we saw this on our flight, we probably would ask to get put on the next one.
While we would turn around as soon as we saw this, we do have respect for the people brave enough to stay on this flight.
A One in a Million Chance
There are almost eight billion people on planet earth. So there's got to be someone out there that looks at least a little bit like you, right? The term "doppelganger" exists for a reason, after all! We just never expected we'd actually see it happen in real life. The odds of actually meeting your look-alike are basically slim to none. We certainly never expected it would happen to two people sitting next to each other on a plane!
Look how pleased everyone else on the plane is with this random coincidence. The doppelgangers can't stop laughing, and it looks like everyone else is smiling, too.
If That's Not Love, We Don't Know What Love Is
So, here we've got a woman's feet sticking up from the window seat of the plane, and they're resting against the head of the man sitting next to her. First question: how did she manage to cram herself into that position in that small space? Second question: why is this guy alright with this? The two must be a couple, and the only reason he is putting up with this is love.
Thankfully, this type of thing doesn't seem to happen on most flights. We're not sure if we'd be able to stay calm if someone was resting their feet on our heads.
This Panda Bear Strictly Flies First Class
Does this look like the most fun flight of all time, or what? We've had a few times before where we sat next to people with cats or dogs on a flight. That's always a nice way to pass the time. But, a panda bear? That's a whole different level of fun and cuteness. We can just imagine those chubby little legs waddling up and down the aisle. Or maybe they'd be rolling around instead!
Now, there's also the possibility that this is a fake panda. This means this man paid for a seat for his fake furry friend. And we don't know which option is funnier.
Parents Are Multi-Tasking Masterminds
It can be hard enough to keep kids entertained when you're not locked in a metal tube hurtling through the sky. So if you're flying with kids and you didn't bring enough games or snacks with you, there's a chance that those little ones could start acting up. To be polite to everyone else around you, it's on the parents to prevent this from happening. And this dad seems to be doing an incredible job of it.
We've got one child getting a reverse piggyback ride and people-watching over the plane, one reading SkyMall, and Dad is reading his book!
Her Face Swap With the Ceiling Created a New Marvel Villain
When Snapchat first introduced filters to the app, they were all the rage! Everyone was wearing a perpetual puppy dog face, at least for a few weeks. And then, a little bit later, the face swap feature came out. That led to some hilarious videos online of people swapping faces with their babies or siblings swapping faces and looking the same. But, this might be our favorite face swap mishap that we've seen.
We're not sure why Snapchat thought the air vents were a face. Has the plane become sentient all of a sudden? And why do both faces look so angry?
Parks and Recreation's Ron Swanson Never Breaks Character
Obviously, celebrities need to travel too. And, even though we might know someone's face from TV or the movies, that doesn't mean that they're a mega-billionaire who can always afford a private plane. More often than you'd expect, you might wind up running into a celebrity who's taking the same flight as you! This time, that celebrity was Nick Offerman, who famously played Ron Swanson on the popular show Parks and Recreation.
As you can tell from the picture, Offerman isn't exactly pleased. Although, we don't know anyone else who would be happy to have a camera shoved in their face, either.
It's Only a Matter of Time Before the Suitcase Rolls Away
It's no secret that travel wears everyone out. A lot of people try to take naps at the airport. But, if you want to really watch your bags and make sure you don't miss your flight, you're probably not going to sleep very soundly. Unless you can find a solution like this guy, of course. He's protecting his bag and sleeping perfectly at the same time. It's a pretty innovative solution!
Our only concern is that the suitcase looks like it has wheels. So unless there's some locking mechanism, that guy might wake up once his head hits the floor.
We Hope She Doesn't Do This With Passengers On The Plane
In order to move about the cabin of an airplane, you've got to be flexible. There's limited space with all those people crammed in, so getting things out of your bags or moving to and from the bathroom can be pretty tough and frustrating. So, for flight attendants that are going to be spending all their time on the plane, it helps to be extra flexible. Maybe not this much, though.
This picture makes us smile because it just goes to show that everyone has hidden talents beyond their profession. Maybe this woman is a ballerina in her free time!
Just Getting Some Air Down There
If you're going to travel by airplane, you have to be prepared to make a few sacrifices. First and foremost, you're going to have to loosen your purse strings. But, second of all, you're going to have to compromise on space. Flying isn't like driving, where you can put your seat all the way back and really relax (although the driver shouldn't be doing that anyway). Also, your seat neighbors aren't going to appreciate it if you do this.
We really hope for everyone else's sake that this woman is flying with her family members. Her shins are covering part of the TV screens on both sides of her seat!
She Was Supposed to Explain the Safety Measures
Air travel seems to make everyone tired, even if all we do is sit for a few (or many) hours. So, it's no surprise that flight crews are no exception to this rule. Here, you see one of the dedicated flight staff sitting in a jump seat, ready to assist if she's needed. But, in the interim, she couldn't help herself and wound up slumping forward to take a little snooze.

We're absolutely fine with the flight crew taking naps. In fact, on some larger and longer flights, they even have quarters to retire to. We just hope the pilot in charge is still awake!
The Target Dog Obviously Flies First Class
Going to Target might be one of the USA's favorite past-times. This big-box chain has an almost cult-like following. Don't believe us? Then why would someone paint their dog to look like the mascot for that company? Although, now that we know this pup is flying first class, maybe he's the real deal. We always thought the dog's Target logo was photoshopped on, but maybe we were wrong this whole time.
At the end of the day, the dog doesn't look like he minds the paint so much, and he's certainly living the life.
This Man Stared at Us the Entire Flight
Every once in a while, there's a person on your flight that really rubs you the wrong way. Maybe they've been drinking too much, or they're getting frustrated at the flight crew. In this case, they're wearing sunglasses inside and staring at everyone, which is even creepier. The person who took this picture said they felt like they were being watched. Then, they pulled out their camera and snapped this picture to prove it.
Oh, by the way, those sunglasses are on the back of this guy's head. We know we should've led with that, but that would've ruined all of the fun
Plane Accessories Are Getting a Bit Out of Hand
Some people are able to easily sleep on trains, buses, and airplanes. But, if you're like us, settling in for those transit naps is always difficult! How do we sleep if we can't stretch out? How do you deal with the vehicle moving all over the place? Luckily, it seems like this guy has a solution for all of that. That pillow he's wearing is a total travel hack because it lets him rest his head anywhere he wants!
The other funny part about this pillow hat is that it makes the guy look like Toad from Mario Kart, right?
When You're the Only Passenger on a 160-Seat Plane
We're always a little disappointed when they announce that someone on our flight has a peanut allergy, so they won't be passing out nut products on the flight. Those are our favorite snacks! Of course, there are other tasty options, and sometimes we wish we could have it all. Lucky for this guy, he could. He was the only passenger on a giant plane, so the flight crew wound up spoiling him with all the snacks his heart desired.
The flight crew was probably glad to have a quiet flight too. Fewer people to service, less to do, and more downtime for everyone.
Passengers Complained That This Flight Attendant Wouldn't Stop Horsing Around
Let's just admit what everybody knows: flying can be incredibly stressful. It's not that it's a dangerous way to travel; it's just a little bit overwhelming sometimes. You cover such vast distances, with so many other people, in machines that most of us barely understand. The whole process is enough to give a stable person anxiety. That's why we love to see a flight crew that knows how to have fun!

We wouldn't mind traveling with these guys in the slightest. We're just going to make one request – can the guy take off the horse mask while taking off and landing the plane?
Someone Forgot Their Change Of Clothes
An airplane bathroom is hardly big enough to fit the toilet, let alone a shower. So, we were pretty curious when we first saw this picture. How did someone manage to get themselves in this type of position? We know a handful of people who do shave on airplanes if they have a business meeting soon after landing, but this guy takes pre-landing hygiene to a whole new level.

Taking a shower out of the bathroom sink sounds like a recipe for disaster in our books.
These 3D Movies Are Getting Way Too Real
We still remember the first time we flew on a plane that had TVs. Now, it's basically expected that wherever you're flying, you're going to have entertainment on the flight. Still, now that this expectation is so strong, it's pretty disappointing when you get on a flight and those TVs aren't working. Or, worse, if you get on a flight and the person in the row in front of you is doing this.

Once this flight is over, we hope the person in the row in front treated themselves to a nice long shower and maybe some conditioner. That hair looks beyond damaged!
They Wanted to Know if This Plane Had An Ice Machine
We're not sure where these two little fellas came from, but we don't think it's too far-fetched to say that they might be lost. Of all the weird manner of animals we've seen on airplanes before, from dogs and cats to horses and pigs, we never would've expected to see a bunch of penguins walking down the aisle. There's probably a joke in there somewhere about flightless birds, but we'll leave it.
We do appreciate that these guys got dressed up in their Sunday best for their flight, though. Some people just wear sweatpants to fly nowadays. These penguins wore tuxedos.
Everything Is A Gym If You Try Hard Enough
We're always reading articles online about the long-term health effects that your work patterns can have on your body. If you work at a desk on the computer all day, chances are you'd benefit from getting up to walk around some more. But, if you're a flight attendant who spends hours at a time locked in a plane and pacing the aisle, how are you supposed to get any real exercise?

Luckily, this woman found an ingenious way to use the plane as her gym, and it looks like she's getting pretty strong from it too! We don't think we could do a pike push-up using the armrests like that.
This Is Cause for an Emergency Landing
In the cult classic Snakes On A Plane, Samuel L Jackson utters the unforgettable phrase: "Enough is enough; I have had it with these snakes on this plane. Everybody strap in. I'm about to open some windows." Now, take that phrase, and replace snakes with spiders. That's how we would feel if we were sitting on this flight. Where did that thing even come from in the first place?

For everyone's sake, we hope the plane is still on the ground. Finding a giant spider with no way to open the windows is creepy.
Now That's Just Gross
Everybody has heard of the infamous mile-high club, but we always thought it was reserved for millionaires with private planes and people like that. We never thought that we'd see this on a regular old domestic passenger flight. And in coach nonetheless! It is so crowded back there in the back of the plane, and these two people still have no shame. They're climbing all over each other, and everyone knows what's going on.

Love is a beautiful thing, but there are also standards of respect that say that you should not be doing this. Just wait until the flight is over, guys.
Emotional Support Pigs Are a Thing
Some people are dog people, some people are cat people, and some people bring pigs onto airplanes. We know it sounds crazy, but you can see for yourself in this picture that it really happens. And that's no teacup pig either! That's a fully grown hog, and this woman is just carrying it down the aisle of the plane like a little baby. That pig is so big he actually might've had his own seat on the plane.
A lot of times, people will buy a teacup pig expecting it to stay small and then don't realize how big the animals will actually get.
When the Flight Attendant Photobombs Your Family Selfie
This picture makes us laugh pretty hard every time we see it. Just look how many different emotions we have captured at once. There's the guy in the white shirt, trying to say cheese while taking the selfie. The guy in the black shirt is smiling and enjoying it. The guy in the hoodie looks like he just woke up from a nap. And then, of course, the picture needed a photo bombing flight attendant.
This must have been a fun flight for the staff too. Flight crews say all the time that their work is much easier when the passengers are enjoying themselves.
Bored During Your Flight? Make a Crown Out of Peanut Packets
Unless you brought a book or some work with you, chances are you're going to have some downtime on the airplane. That's why this guy wanted to keep his hands busy and do some arts and crafts. But, where are you supposed to find craft supplies on an airplane? Apparently, you find them in the snack and beverage cart. He took a ring of peanuts, then a series of cocktail swords, and wound up with a crown fit for a king!
The flight attendants on this flight must've been amused by his antics. Hopefully, they learned to make them for themselves too.
You Sure That's Your Luggage?
We always feel a little weird carrying bright, colorful, flashy bags through the airport. But, if you pack all your clothes in a basic black duffle or something, you're going to have to work extra hard at baggage claim to figure out which one is yours. That's why we think this woman is onto something here. No one is going to confuse her bag for their own. Plus, how can you not smile when you see something like that?
Another benefit here is that if anyone steals her bag and the police ask her what the bag looks like, she can just tell them it looks like her!
Kids On Planes Are Either The Best Or The Worst
We've had some mixed experiences with children on airplanes. Sometimes the kids are perfect adults, ready to fly, not making a fuss, and generally happy throughout the flight (although a lot of adults aren't generally happy, so...). Other times, the kids are little monsters who cry and scream and make rude comments about other passengers. But thankfully for the person who posted this picture, they got the first type on this flight.
The kid in question here is having a blast on this flight and just playing with his toy fish. He's having so much fun, in fact, that he wants to share his joy with the people in the row behind him.
What's Cooking, Buddy?
You always want to sit around fun people on the airplane. You don't want people who complain or who make a big mess in their seats. That's why if we sat down and we saw this little face looking at us from the row in front, we'd be ecstatic. He doesn't look like he's enjoying the flight, but he does look like a nice, polite, distinguished gentleman going on a very important trip!
Maybe this dog is too big to fit in a carrying case, and that's why they got their own seat. We wonder if that entitles him to his own bag of peanuts too.
Are You Comfortable Over There?
We get it; it's impossible to find a comfortable place to sleep on the airplane. But, we really don't think this is the solution that anyone was looking for. This woman has shoved her dirty, smelly feet up into the air– right under the air vents so that they're now spreading all her foot fungus around. She must be climbing all over her seat neighbors and generally driving everyone crazy on this flight, don't you think?
If you're feeling antsy on the flight and like you need to stretch, walk up and down the aisle a bit. Don't do this to the people sitting around you.
Sir, Is That Your Seat?
Boy, oh boy, we can't remember the last time we were this excited. This dog can't wait for his flight to start! He's sitting there panting, just waiting for the flight attendants to close the boarding door and announce that they've prepared the cabin for departure. Seriously though, whoever is traveling with this dog is incredibly lucky. How can you get down if you're looking at that happy face all the time?
This dog probably has some type of special service dog permission to be allowed to just sit in its own seat like that. It would be cool if that happened more often, though.
She Really Loves Her Job
You hear it from flight crews all the time: they love their work! There's something exciting about running these giant, sometimes luxurious, sky busses. So exciting, in fact, that this woman decided she wanted to give her airplane a big kiss. Alright, alright, it's just a trick of the camera, but it's still a pretty funny idea. We hope her boyfriend or girlfriend didn't get too mad about her stepping out like this.

What part of a flight attendant's job do you think is the most exciting? We think it's probably using the telephone at the front of the cabin to jump on the intercom and make announcements.
Some People Just Lack Any Airplane Etiquette
It's hard enough as is sharing space with all those other people on the airplane. Plus, if you're a germaphobe or a neat freak, it can be even more challenging. Just imagine how this guy feels, though. He's stuck smelling, looking at, and dealing with the woman in front of him's musty hair. Why would you put it over the seat back like that? Just put it in a ponytail in your own space like a normal person!

There are no TVs on this flight, so we guess this isn't the worst thing in the world. But we wouldn't want to eat off of that tray table.
When Your Plane Neighbor Won't Stop Staring at You
If you're sitting around a good group of people on a plane, it can help the time to pass so much faster. But, if they aren't interesting, or you're not in the mood, and they keep talking to you, that can turn annoying really quickly. That's what this person said was happening on this flight, but we can tell they're actually joking. Nobody could be mad sitting next to an adorable face like that.
This dog is so small that it can ride the whole plane ride on its owner's lap. That's perfect for the person next to them who gets to pet the dog too. Now everyone wins!
Flights From Australia Are a Different Kind of Beast
Kangaroos are notoriously wild animals. They don't make good pets, they fight with each other viciously, and even though they look cute, they're jerks most of the time. That's why we can't understand why someone would ever think it's a good idea to bring a kangaroo on an airplane. Second question, how did they actually get away with bringing a kangaroo onto an airplane? Please tell us that that's actually a stuffed animal.

There are a lot of famous videos online of people fighting kangaroos, but if you ever see one acting aggressive, don't try it. They will seriously mess you up.
The Airport Is Not A Place To Dress Up
Even if we do want to look our best when we arrive in a foreign destination or head home for a visit, it's never a great idea to travel in our best outfits. Business travelers may have no choice if they have to get directly to a conference room, but for the rest of us, we should embrace the opportunity to wear hoodies and yoga pants to our heart's content.
Anyone who has ever had to run in heels to make that final boarding call will probably never make that mistake again, and there's no more unpleasant feeling than carrying heavy bags and sweating through a nice shirt and jacket. Plus, who are we trying to impress? Everyone is too exhausted to notice our drip anyway.
It's Impossible To Look Glamorous During A Security Search
Unless they're flying private, and it's true that many of them are, even the biggest stars have to go through security at the airport. It's never an enjoyable experience for anyone to go through those endless lines and scanners, taking off our belts and watches, and parting with our cellphones and computers. But imagine being a celebrity, with the whole world watching and snapping photos as your sweat your way through an airport experience.
And at some point, everyone is selected for a random search. For better or for worse, those are the rules. It's always uncomfortable for anyone involved but at least there aren't photos of all of us getting a serious patdown and awkwardly making our way to the gate while struggling to buckle our belt properly.